Reggaeton Con La Gata - Reggaeton History & Culture

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Nino Augustine Gets Straight To The Point In New Single ‘Hablame De Dinero‘

Hablame de $, a song that talks about the importance of establishing boundaries in the workplace as well as in the personal sphere. It's time to value your work, your effort, talent, ability and yourself, because if you don't see your full potential, no one else will. Featuring Panamanian The Afro Jam on guitar, Steve Mckinney on bass, Panamanian Spanish reggae legend Rene Renegado on outro, and Nino's production "Hablame de $" is a positive vibe “Im speaking from the heart on this one, and want to keep staying true to myself.I wanted that head nod from one of the OG’s, “Rene Renegado” is such a staple in the reggae in Spanish movement. It was truly a blessing and honor to have him deliver the outro”.